Our Cases
Public Counsel pursues groundbreaking legal strategies to advance civil rights and racial and economic justice, for low-income communities and communities of color across the nation.
Our staff work with clients and partners to identify patterns of injustice that impact and harm the communities we serve. Through strategic litigation, we effect large-scale change and systems reform while amplifying the power of affected communities and advancing public discourse.

Our Cases
Housing Justice
Holding California Accountable for Its Failures in Implementing the COVID-19 Rent Relief Program
Housing Justice
Apartment Association of Los Angeles County, Inc. v. City of Los Angeles
Tenant Rights Groups Join Legal Fight to Defend City of LA’s Tenant Protections
Veterans Rights
Beaudette v. McDonough
Securing Due Process Rights for Injured Veterans and Their Caregivers
Education Equity
Cayla J. v. California
Challenging the State of California’s Failure to Ensure Equitable Access to Education During the Pandemic
Economic Justice
Community Power Collective v. City of Los Angeles
Community groups, affordable housing providers, and organized labor joined the legal fight to defend Measure ULA against lawsuits from special interest groups.
Housing Justice
Howard Jarvis & AAGLA v. City of Los Angeles
Community groups, affordable housing providers, and organized labor joined the legal fight to defend Measure ULA against lawsuits from special interest groups.
Education Equity
IntegrateNYC v. New York
Protecting New York City School Students’ Right to an Antiracist Education
Education Equity
Kerri K. v. State of California
Ensuring that Children with Disabilities Attend Safe and Supportive Schools