Mortgage Servicing & Foreclosure

Know-Your-Rights Videos

The foreclosure prevention team holds Know-Your-Rights presentations for homeowners in Los Angeles County. See videos of past presentations below.

Homeowners Know Your Rights 9/18/2023

This program with Public Counsel will cover the rights of homeowners who experienced financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic, are at risk of default on their mortgage, or are facing foreclosure. Ways to prevent foreclosure and how to access the free funds available for homeowners who are behind on their mortgages will also be discussed.

Homeowners Know Your Rights 3/30/2022

This video covers the rights of homeowners who experienced financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic, are at risk of default on their mortgage, or are facing foreclosure. Ways to prevent foreclosure and how to access the free funds available for homeowners who are behind on their mortgages will also be discussed.
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