VA Benefits Claims

For veterans who are unable to find employment due to service-connected disabilities or other issues, VA benefits can greatly improve their quality of life. Veterans who have access to federal benefits, medical care, and supportive services enjoy a lower incarceration rate, improved health, and greater security. While many federal benefits are available to returning veterans, they can often be extremely difficult to secure, especially in a timely manner.
Without legal advocacy and support, many returning veterans significantly underutilize the benefits to which they are entitled, and many others who apply are rejected by a complex federal bureaucracy that is notorious for denying and delaying claims. Public Counsel ensures that veterans have access to an appropriate VA benefits rate and other needed services to improve self-sufficiency and quality of life.
- Public Counsel assists with:
- VA Benefits and healthcare eligibility for veterans with less than honorable discharges.
- VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation claims for mental health conditions, including PTSD, and for those who experienced military sexual trauma.
- VA Benefits for survivors, dependents, and caregivers.