Lawyers Preventing and Ending Homelessness

In March 2017, LA County voters overwhelmingly approved Measure H, which generates over $350 million annually for services and programs to combat homelessness. This funding stream allowed Public Counsel to launch an innovative new program that provides an array of legal services to assist individuals at risk of experiencing homelessness.
This program delivers comprehensive, trauma-informed, wrap-around legal services designed to remove barriers to housing. Public Counsel serves youth, families and single adults in the communities within L.A. County’s Service Planning Area (SPA) 6, in partnership with local homeless services programs.
We remove barriers to housing that require legal intervention, including but not limited to: eviction prevention, landlord dispute resolution, government benefits, worker compensation/unemployment benefits, clearing financial debt, professional licenses and identification, and expungement of criminal records.
To learn more and to get help click here: