Small Business Legal Services


Our Publications


Landlord Tenant Family Childcare Provider Guide [July 2021]

Landlords and tenants may have some concerns regarding the operation of a family child care home in a rental property. This guide provides information on the rights of family child …


Lease Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of lease modifications is explored through a series of questions that address many of the common experiences and concerns of organizations leasing commercial real …


Legislative Alert — SB 972

SB 972 is a California law that makes it easier for sidewalk vendors who sell food to obtain health permits by making changes to the California Retail Food Code. This …

Legislative Alert on SB 1103 – Protections for Commercial Tenants

California Senate Bill 1103 (“SB 1103”), the Commercial Tenant Protection Act, provides commercial tenant protections for microenterprises (with 5 or less employees), restaurants (with 10 or less employees) and nonprofits …


License Exempt Child Care

License-exempt child care is child care that can operate legally without a license. While certain child care arrangements may qualify as license-exempt child care, there are policies and procedures that a license-exempt child care provider should follow in order to ensure the successful operation of his/her child care business and avoid potential legal problems.


List of Initial Filing Fees for Setting Up a California Tax-Exempt Corporation [2022]

This guide lists the initial fees to set up a tax-exempt corporation in California.


Loan Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of loan modification options is explored through a series of questions addressing many common concerns of nonprofit organizations that are struggling to manage outstanding …


Managing Your Student Loans

Instructions for how to manage your student loan debts.

Guide, Spanish

Mediacion vs. Derecho Procesal

Como el dueno y operador de un negocio de cuidado infantil, es probable que un problema surja que hara que usted considere tomar accion legal. Los problemas que pueden surgir …


Mediation vs Litigation: Things for Child Care Providers to Consider Before Going to Court [2016]

Mediation is a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator facilitates a discussion of the issues at hand and helps you and the other party to potentially resolve the dispute through negotiation. Both you and the other party have an opportunity to describe the issues, discuss your interests and provide each other with information that may help to resolve the dispute.


Mediation vs Litigation: Things to Consider Before Going to Court [2016]

This document defines mediation as a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator facilitates a discussion of the issues at hand and helps you and the other party to potentially resolve the dispute through negotiation; describes several advantages of the process, and provides a list of some local organizations that may be helpful.


Meeting of Creditors (Chapter 7)

In each Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, you will have a meeting with the Chapter 7 trustee (called the “Meeting of Creditors” or “341(a) Meeting.” This flyer will give you an …

Spanish, Template/Sample Form

Modelo de Un Contrato Para Guarderias Familiares con Provisiones de COVID [Agosto 2022]

El contrato que sigue es una muestra, no un modelo; puede contener disposiciones que no son apropiado para ciertos proveedores, y puede que no contenga otros que requiera su programa. …


Monthly Community Legal Clinic in Pasadena

A free monthly community legal clinic at the Jackie Robinson Community Center in Pasadena—sponsored by Public Counsel & All Saints Church—assisting with Housing, Family Law, Bankruptcy/Consumer Debt, Probate, Civil Matters, …


Monthly Homelessness Prevention Legal Clinic in Pasadena

The Homelessness Prevention Legal Clinic offers free legal assistance to renters facing housing challenges. Our legal advocates provide guidance on tenants’ rights, housing issues, and access to public benefits. Held …


Mutual Directorships [2004]

This alert highlights some issues a director of multiple nonprofit organizations may encounter when presented with a business opportunity that creates a potential conflict of loyalties.


Naming your Family Child Care Business

California State law requires individuals, partnerships and corporations to register a “Fictitious Business Name” (commonly known as a DBA – “doing business as”) if they operate a business and/or collect money under a name different from their legal surname(s) or corporation names.

FAQs, Guide

Navigating Copyright Infringement for Nonprofits

This guide is designed to help nonprofit organizations avoid copyright infringement. The guide compiles frequently asked questions and answers on copyright, copyright infringement, and fair use. The material is divided …


Neighbor Disputes and Your Family Child Care Home Business

Neighbor disputes arise for a variety of reasons, some of which may relate to your child care business. As a family child care home provider you have several options for addressing these disputes or harassment that may include insults or obscenities directed at you, your family, your helpers, your parents, or even the children in your care, actions impeding the use of your home as a business, reporting you to Licensing, and other similar acts.

Template/Sample Form

No Contact Letter Packet ENGLISH

If you are “collection-proof,” meaning that you have no assets that debt collectors can obtain from you even if they have a judgment against you, you can use this packet …

Guide, Spanish

Nombrando Su Negocio y Guardaria

La ley de California requiere que los individuos, socios y sociedades anónimas registren un “Fictitious Business Name” (un nombre inventado para el negocio que también se conoce como el DBA …

Guide, Spanish

Nota Para Preparadores de Impuestos que Asisten a Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil

Al ayudar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar, los preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos deben tener en cuenta que hay reglas especiales 1) para el uso del negocio de la casa; y 2) en relacion con los gastos de alimentacion. Esta publicacion esta destinada a proporcionar informacion general a preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos sobre las cuestiones fiscales que afectan los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar.


Note to Tax Return Preparers Assisting Family Child Care Providers

Assisting family child care providers (“FCCPs”) with their tax returns generally raises the same issues as for all other home-based businesses, like proper proof of income and expense, separation of business and personal expenses, etc. The IRS and Congress have provided special rules for FCCPs, thereby recognizing the difficulty of separating personal expenses from business expenses in a family child care setting.


Notification Requirements for California Public Benefit Corporations: Change of Address, Name, Mission or Specific Purpose, Scope of Activities, or Other Significant Changes to Bylaws

Directors and executive staff of a California nonprofit organization may wish to make changes to the organization, including changing the name, mission, programs and services, or governing rules. This guide explains the required process for making these changes, including how to notify the IRS and California regulatory agencies, as well as potential legal concerns that need to be addressed before the changes are made.

Template/Sample Form

Now That You’re Incorporated: Summary of Legal Requirements for Newly Formed Nonprofit Corporations

This is a sample letter that an attorney should send to a nonprofit corporation after it has successfully applied for and received tax-exempt status from the IRS. The letter covers …

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