Small Business Legal Services
Our Publications
Asylum Manual – Appendix 8
Appendix for Public Counsel’s Asylum Manual for Pro Bono Attorneys
Asylum Manual – Appendix 9
Appendix for Public Counsel’s Asylum Manual for Pro Bono Attorneys
External Resource
Bankruptcy Filing – Fee Waiver Application and Instructions
This is the actual application for a fee waiver from the court. The instructions will tell you exactly how to fill out the forms and where to submit the application.
Bankruptcy Information for Nonprofits [2009]
The topic of bankruptcy is explored through a series of questions addressing many common concerns of nonprofit organizations from both the perspective of debtor and creditor. The answers offer a starting point for a nonprofit to evaluate whether the remedy of bankruptcy can help it achieve a more sustainable economic future through a reorganization, or whether the time has come to “close with honor.”
Template/Sample Form
Board Orientation Manual (2019)
This Word document is a template that will help you develop an orientation manual tailored for new and existing directors of your organization. It also contains a sample appendix with a suggested list of documents that you should provide new directors to better acquaint them with your organization’s corporate structure, bylaws, and operating policies.
Can I Sue a Judge?
Canceling a Reaffirmation Agreement
A reaffirmation agreement is a new contract between you and the creditor where you agree to pay a debt voluntarily that would have been discharged in your bankruptcy case. However, you have a limited amount of time in which you can cancel the agreement.
Spanish, Template/Sample Form
Carta de “No Contacto” (Muestra) – En Español
Spanish, Template/Sample Form
Carta de “No Contacto” (Plantilla) – En Español
Esta es una versión para “llenar los espacios en blanco” de nuestra carta de “No contacto” que puede descargar, imprimir, completar y enviar a los acreedores.
External Resource
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline
Here is a link to a timeline from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the Central District of California:
Checklist for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
What you need to gather and prepare before filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Guide, Toolkit
Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate ECE Facilities in Los Angeles County
This toolkit supports ECE providers with navigating the complex process of child care facility development in unincorporated areas of LA County. Developed in partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health, Office for the Advancement of Early Care & Education (OAECE), it provides a step-by-step process and resources for obtaining approvals to renovate and construct new ECE facilities.
Child Care Liability Insurance
This handout provides child care businesses with information about insurance. Purchasing insurance is a method of shifting risk from your child care business to an insurance company in exchange for a premium, which is the payment you make for an insurance policy. As a child care provider, you must be proactive both about risk management and being responsive to the families in case an accident occurs while a child is under your care.
Complaints Against Your Child Care Facility
During the operation of your child care business, complaints made be made to Community Care Licensing (“Licensing”) about your program. This publication is intended to provide basic information on Licensing’s investigation of complaints, how Licensing decides whether to issue a citation against your facility, and how you can appeal a citation that you do not agree with.
Copyrights & Trademarks [2015]
This guide contains an overview of federal trademark and copyright laws. It covers the following information: What is a Trademark, Trademark Laws, Choosing a Trademark, Acquiring and Protecting Trademark Rights, and Copyrights.
FAQs, Guide
COVID-19 Protections for Small Business Commercial Tenants in Los Angeles County [May 2022]
This alert provides a general overview of Los Angeles County Protections for Small Business Commercial Tenants as of May 2022.
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy FAQ for Employers
These FAQs discuss common questions employers have with regard to the legalities of requiring employees to be vaccinated.
Spanish, Toolkit
Cuidado Infantil para Todos: Cómo Desarrollar y Renovar las Instalaciones de ECE en el Condado de Los Ángeles
Este conjunto de herramientas interactivo proporciona un proceso paso a paso y recursos para obtener aprobaciones para renovar y construir nuevas instalaciones de ECE.