Monthly Community Legal Clinic in Pasadena

A free monthly community legal clinic at the Jackie Robinson Community Center in Pasadena—sponsored by Public Counsel & All Saints Church—assisting with Housing, Family Law, Bankruptcy/Consumer Debt, Probate, Civil Matters, …

Risks of Filing Bankruptcy After LA County Fires

Bankruptcy, especially a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, can cause immediate damage to your credit and ability to access affordable loans. This one-page guide in English and Spanish provides some factors to …

Support for Workers Affected by LA County Fires

Public Counsel’s Audrey Irmas Gender Justice Project can provide information on how to access emergency financial assistance, recover unpaid wages, and understand employment rights regarding the impact of the fires. …

FAQs on FEMA Financial Assistance

FAQs on how to obtain FEMA assistance after disasters, including the recent Southern California fires. This FAQs discusses the FEMA process, concerns about duplication of benefits from other funding sources, …

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Timeline

Here is a link to a timeline from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the Central District of California: