FAQs on FEMA Financial Assistance

FAQs on how to obtain FEMA assistance after disasters, including the recent Southern California fires. This FAQs discusses the FEMA process, concerns about duplication of benefits from other funding sources, …

Navigating Copyright Infringement for Nonprofits

This guide is designed to help nonprofit organizations avoid copyright infringement. The guide compiles frequently asked questions and answers on copyright, copyright infringement, and fair use. The material is divided …

Alert on EDD Work Sharing Program

Employers that want to avoid layoffs can take advantage of the Work Sharing program. Work Sharing allows employers to reduce the hours of several employees who then access partial Unemployment Insurance to compensate for reduced hours. This alert explains the requirements of the program and the process for enrolling. (June 22, 2020)

Trademark Basics for Nonprofits [2015]

This guide contains a collection of frequently asked trademark questions and answers, divided into the following categories: Trademark Definitions, How to Establish a Trademark, Proper Use of a Trademark, and …

Intellectual Property Licensing Basics for Nonprofits [2016]

In pursuit of achieving their mission and conducting charitable activities, nonprofit organizations often develop advertising and marketing literature, design logos, names and programs, and create products or written works. All of these things constitute intellectual property. If intellectual property is not managed well, a nonprofit organization may dilute or damage its rights to its own intellectual property and possibly infringe on the rights of others.

Work For Hire Basics for Nonprofits [2016]

This guide provides nonprofits with an overview of the Work for Hire doctrine, which governs whether an organization that commissions work to be done or whether the person who created the work (e.g. an employee or independent contractor) owns the copyright in the work. It covers the following information: Copyright Basics, Works Made for Hire Overview, and Best Practices: Works for Hire.