Community Development Project
Our Publications
AB5: Proper Classification of Employee vs. Independent Contractor
When hiring workers, properly classifying them as employees or independent contractors has considerable significance for both the workers and businesses, including nonprofits. This bulletin will review the difference between an employee and independent contractor, how to properly apply the ABC test to worker classification, exceptions to the rule, and implications for nonprofits and small businesses.
Guide, Spanish
Adaptaciones de Barrera Física para Pequeñas Empresas: Una Guía para Cumplir con las Leyes Estatales y Federales de Discapacidad
Administering Medication and Incidental Medical Services
Child care providers must follow certain requirements when administering prescription and non-prescription medications and providing incidental medical services to children in their care. This handout is intended to provide an overview of the child care licensing guidelines for administering and storing medications, health-related services, and incidental medical services.
FAQs, Guide
Alert on EDD Work Sharing Program
Employers that want to avoid layoffs can take advantage of the Work Sharing program. Work Sharing allows employers to reduce the hours of several employees who then access partial Unemployment Insurance to compensate for reduced hours. This alert explains the requirements of the program and the process for enrolling. (June 22, 2020)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Child Care
In 1990, Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which is designed to make an array of services, including child care programs, accessible to people with disabilities. The ADA prohibits family child care providers and child care centers from discriminating against a child, parent, or employee based solely on his/her disability (such as denying admission into a child care program).
Anatomy of a Fundraiser: A Legal Guide for Charitable Fundraising In California
This publication addresses various legal issues associated with fundraising under California and federal law, including required corporate and tax filings, acknowledging donations, managing employees and volunteers at fundraising events, contracts with vendors, unrelated business income tax, charity auctions, commercial co-ventures, and gambling.
Guide, Template/Sample Form
Annotated Business Associate Agreement [2015]
Under the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, a HIPAA business associate agreement is a contract between a HIPAA-covered entity and a HIPAA business associate. The agreement protects personal health information in accordance with HIPAA requirements.
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Bylaws for a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
Public Counsel’s Community Development Project has designed this form Bylaws for a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation to assist nonprofit organizations drafting and revising bylaws and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory endnotes, including citations to applicable laws. An editable word version of the text of the bylaws is also available.
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Bylaws for California Public Charter Schools
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Form of Articles of Incorporation for a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation [2021]
This form is designed to assist nonprofit organizations that have chosen to incorporate in California and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. Each section of the form is annotated with an explanatory endnote, including citations to applicable laws.
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Form of Articles of Incorporation for California Public Charter Schools [Feb 2020]
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Form of Conflict of Interest Policy
This form is designed to assist nonprofit organizations seeking to adopt or amend a Conflict of Interest Policy and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory endnotes, including citations to applicable laws, alternatives, and recommended practices.
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Form of Records Management and Retention Policy
This form is designed to assist nonprofit organizations seeking to adopt or amend a Records Management and Retention Policy and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory endnotes, including citations to applicable laws, alternatives, and recommended practices.
Template/Sample Form
Annotated Form of Whistleblower Policy
Annotated IRS Form 990 [2011]
This guide is designed to assist California nonprofit public benefit corporations in collecting and disclosing information requested by the revised IRS Form 990. Selected portions of the revised core form, its schedules, and instructions are annotated with explanatory notes, including citations to applicable federal laws, filing tips, and recommended practices.
Bankruptcy Information for Nonprofits [2009]
The topic of bankruptcy is explored through a series of questions addressing many common concerns of nonprofit organizations from both the perspective of debtor and creditor. The answers offer a starting point for a nonprofit to evaluate whether the remedy of bankruptcy can help it achieve a more sustainable economic future through a reorganization, or whether the time has come to “close with honor.”
Template/Sample Form
Board Orientation Manual (2019)
This Word document is a template that will help you develop an orientation manual tailored for new and existing directors of your organization. It also contains a sample appendix with a suggested list of documents that you should provide new directors to better acquaint them with your organization’s corporate structure, bylaws, and operating policies.
Guide, Toolkit
Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate ECE Facilities in Los Angeles County
This toolkit supports ECE providers with navigating the complex process of child care facility development in unincorporated areas of LA County. Developed in partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health, Office for the Advancement of Early Care & Education (OAECE), it provides a step-by-step process and resources for obtaining approvals to renovate and construct new ECE facilities.
Child Care Liability Insurance
This handout provides child care businesses with information about insurance. Purchasing insurance is a method of shifting risk from your child care business to an insurance company in exchange for a premium, which is the payment you make for an insurance policy. As a child care provider, you must be proactive both about risk management and being responsive to the families in case an accident occurs while a child is under your care.
Complaints Against Your Child Care Facility
During the operation of your child care business, complaints made be made to Community Care Licensing (“Licensing”) about your program. This publication is intended to provide basic information on Licensing’s investigation of complaints, how Licensing decides whether to issue a citation against your facility, and how you can appeal a citation that you do not agree with.
Copyrights & Trademarks [2015]
This guide contains an overview of federal trademark and copyright laws. It covers the following information: What is a Trademark, Trademark Laws, Choosing a Trademark, Acquiring and Protecting Trademark Rights, and Copyrights.
FAQs, Guide
COVID-19 Protections for Small Business Commercial Tenants in Los Angeles County [May 2022]
This alert provides a general overview of Los Angeles County Protections for Small Business Commercial Tenants as of May 2022.
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy FAQ for Employers
These FAQs discuss common questions employers have with regard to the legalities of requiring employees to be vaccinated.