More Ways to Give
Planned Giving
Whatever your stage in life, planned giving can make an impact now while ensuring that Public Counsel stands as a force for justice for generations to come. Some planned gifts can go into effect immediately, some after your lifetime, and many offer tax savings. We’re here to help.

Planned Gifts
- Public Counsel has partnered with FreeWill to make it simple and free to create your will and legacy gift. With their secure online tool, you can make a plan that protects your loved ones and assets and, if you choose, designates a portion of your legacy to secure Public Counsel’s future. Including a gift of any size to us in your will costs nothing today but makes an impact that supports underserved communities for generations. Make your will today!
- If you have a blended family, particularly large estate, or another complex situation, we encourage you to seek counsel. However, you can still use FreeWill to create a set of documented wishes, which you can print out and bring to an attorney, saving you time and money.
- Have you already included a gift to Public Counsel in your will? Please fill out this quick form so that we can thank you and invite you to join the Douglas Society.
Beneficiary Designations
- If you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any additional accounts not covered by your will, these are called “non-probate assets,” and they need to be planned separately. Using this online tool, you can organize all of your assets and learn how to designate your beneficiaries for each of them.
- You can even name Public Counsel as a beneficiary to build a legacy that provides pro bono legal services for lower-income and communities of color in Los Angeles and across the nation. Plan your beneficiaries today!
Deferred Gifts
- Have you already made a plan for a deferred gift to Public Counsel? Please let us know if you have included Public Counsel in your plans so we can ensure your gift is used as you intend and thank you properly!
IRA Rollover
- The IRA Charitable Rollover provision, signed into law in 2015, allows individuals who have reached the age of 70 ½ to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA), without treating the distribution as taxable income.
- Individuals considering using this vehicle to make their charitable donation to Public Counsel should consult with their financial and tax professionals to ensure that they are in compliance with all provisions in the law.