Appellate Clinic
Public Counsel’s Appellate Clinic for Self-Represented Litigants provides procedural information and assistance to people who are representing themselves in appeals pending in the Second District of the Court of Appeal and the Appellate Division of any Superior Court within the Second District.
Do you want immediate info about how to start an appeal?
To request assistance and make an appointment:
Or, you can make an appointment for a telephonic consultation: (213) 830-7232
If you call for a telephonic consultation, PLEASE NOTE:
- Call on Tuesdays as close to 8:00 a.m. as possible.
- Priority for appointments – but not a guarantee of an appointment – is given to the first ten callers and callers facing the earliest deadlines.
- The appointment request line will remain open only until all appointments are filled that can be handled within the next week.
Clinic location:
Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District
Ronald Reagan State Building
300 S. Spring Street
2nd Floor, North Tower
Los Angeles, CA 90013
––> The Clinic is typically open, by appointment, on Tue., Wed., and Thu. from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.