Work Authorization FAQ for Employers

A heightened focus on immigration issues under the new administration has raised a number of questions for employers. Our new publication addresses some of the most common questions we are receiving in the area of employee hiring and Employment Eligibility Verification Form (Form I-9) compliance.

Board Orientation Manual (2019)

This Word document is a template that will help you develop an orientation manual tailored for new and existing directors of your organization. It also contains a sample appendix with a suggested list of documents that you should provide new directors to better acquaint them with your organization’s corporate structure, bylaws, and operating policies.

Guide to Commercial Leases

Our Guide to Commercial Leases provides a general introduction to the typical provisions found in a commercial lease and discusses key issues that nonprofits and small businesses should consider before entering into a lease. This Guide will be useful to organizations considering a proposed lease as well as those who want to better understand the terms of a current lease.

Fiscal Sponsorship: An Alternative to Forming a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation

Fiscal sponsorship is an alternative available to individuals or groups performing charitable services and wishing to give their donors the ability to take a charitable contribution deduction, but not wanting to spend a great amount of time and resources to comply with the extensive filing requirements, tax compliance, and other legal obligations associated with incorporation and tax exemption.

Revenue Generating Activities for Nonprofits

This publication discusses legal issues that may arise when a tax-exempt organization engages in revenue-generating activities, including income tax considerations, mitigating liability, structuring options, and taking on investors. This publication is intended to provide an overview of issues an organization should consider before launching a new revenue-generating activity.

Annotated Form of Records Management and Retention Policy

This form is designed to assist nonprofit organizations seeking to adopt or amend a Records Management and Retention Policy and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory endnotes, including citations to applicable laws, alternatives, and recommended practices.

Anatomy of a Fundraiser: A Legal Guide for Charitable Fundraising In California

This publication addresses various legal issues associated with fundraising under California and federal law, including required corporate and tax filings, acknowledging donations, managing employees and volunteers at fundraising events, contracts with vendors, unrelated business income tax, charity auctions, commercial co-ventures, and gambling.