Trademark Basics for Nonprofits [2015]

This guide contains a collection of frequently asked trademark questions and answers, divided into the following categories: Trademark Definitions, How to Establish a Trademark, Proper Use of a Trademark, and …

Risk Management & Insurance Guide for Nonprofits [2013]

This guide provides a basic overview of the risk management process. Using a case study as an example, the guide explains the three fundamental steps that every organization should take in order to create a risk management plan: assess the nonprofit’s risks; mitigate those risks to the greatest extent practicable; and obtain insurance to help pay the costs in the event a loss occurs.

Mutual Directorships [2004]

This alert highlights some issues a director of multiple nonprofit organizations may encounter when presented with a business opportunity that creates a potential conflict of loyalties.

Mediation vs Litigation: Things to Consider Before Going to Court [2016]

This document defines mediation as a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator facilitates a discussion of the issues at hand and helps you and the other party to potentially resolve the dispute through negotiation; describes several advantages of the process, and provides a list of some local organizations that may be helpful.

Loan Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of loan modification options is explored through a series of questions addressing many common concerns of nonprofit organizations that are struggling to manage outstanding …

Lease Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of lease modifications is explored through a series of questions that address many of the common experiences and concerns of organizations leasing commercial real …

Copyrights & Trademarks [2015]

This guide contains an overview of federal trademark and copyright laws. It covers the following information: What is a Trademark, Trademark Laws, Choosing a Trademark, Acquiring and Protecting Trademark Rights, and Copyrights.