Guardianship of the Person: Attorney Manual

This manual serves as a step-by-step guide for practitioners on how to obtain a guardianship and Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings (SIJ findings) from the probate division of the California Superior …

Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate ECE Facilities in Los Angeles County

This toolkit supports ECE providers with navigating the complex process of child care facility development in unincorporated areas of LA County. Developed in partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health, Office for the Advancement of Early Care & Education (OAECE), it provides a step-by-step process and resources for obtaining approvals to renovate and construct new ECE facilities.

Federal Mortgage Maturity Toolkit: A Step-by-Step Guide for Advocates

Tens of thousands of units in certain Housing and Urban Development (HUD) properties are experiencing mortgage maturity or the expiration of use restrictions or assistance. Unassisted tenants in these properties face the serious risk of a rent increase, displacement and homelessness. Congress has targeted funding for tenant protection vouchers to help address this issue but the process for accessing this funding can be complicated and confusing.