Sample Parent-Provider Contract

The contract that follows is a sample, not a model; it may contain provisions that are not appropriate for certain providers, and it may not contain others that your program requires. You should modify it and/or adapt it for your own use after a review of your specific program and methods of operation. When you settle on the version that seems best for you, you should ask a lawyer to review your contract before using it with any parents.

Annotated Form of Whistleblower Policy

This form is designed to assist nonprofit organizations seeking to adopt or amend a Whistleblower Policy and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory …

Annotated Bylaws for California Public Charter Schools

Public Counsel’s Community Development Project in collaboration with the California Charter Schools Association has designed this form to assist charter schools that have chosen to incorporate as nonprofit public benefit …

Annotated Business Associate Agreement [2015]

Under the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, a HIPAA business associate agreement is a contract between a HIPAA-covered entity and a HIPAA business associate. The agreement protects personal health information in accordance with HIPAA requirements.

Annotated Form of Conflict of Interest Policy

This form is designed to assist nonprofit organizations seeking to adopt or amend a Conflict of Interest Policy and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory endnotes, including citations to applicable laws, alternatives, and recommended practices.

Annotated Bylaws for a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation

Public Counsel’s Community Development Project has designed this form Bylaws for a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation to assist nonprofit organizations drafting and revising bylaws and the pro bono attorneys who represent them. The form is annotated with explanatory endnotes, including citations to applicable laws. An editable word version of the text of the bylaws is also available.