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Guide, Spanish

Adaptaciones de Barrera Física para Pequeñas Empresas: Una Guía para Cumplir con las Leyes Estatales y Federales de Discapacidad

Esta publicación es una guía de referencia para propietarios de pequeñas empresas sobre adaptaciones de barreras físicas que pueden necesitar para cumplir con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA), …


Administering Medication and Incidental Medical Services

Child care providers must follow certain requirements when administering prescription and non-prescription medications and providing incidental medical services to children in their care. This handout is intended to provide an overview of the child care licensing guidelines for administering and storing medications, health-related services, and incidental medical services.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Child Care

In 1990, Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which is designed to make an array of services, including child care programs, accessible to people with disabilities. The ADA prohibits family child care providers and child care centers from discriminating against a child, parent, or employee based solely on his/her disability (such as denying admission into a child care program).

Guide, Toolkit

Child Care for All: How to Develop and Renovate ECE Facilities in Los Angeles County

This toolkit supports ECE providers with navigating the complex process of child care facility development in unincorporated areas of LA County. Developed in partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health, Office for the Advancement of Early Care & Education (OAECE), it provides a step-by-step process and resources for obtaining approvals to renovate and construct new ECE facilities.


Child Care Liability Insurance

This handout provides child care businesses with information about insurance. Purchasing insurance is a method of shifting risk from your child care business to an insurance company in exchange for a premium, which is the payment you make for an insurance policy. As a child care provider, you must be proactive both about risk management and being responsive to the families in case an accident occurs while a child is under your care.


Choosing Your Business Entity

When starting a business, it is common to have questions such as how to protect your personal assets (e.g. your home), how the business pays taxes, and how to get …

Commercial Tenant Protection Act – What to Know About SB 1103

California Senate Bill 1103 (“SB 1103”), the Commercial Tenant Protection Act, provides commercial tenant protections for microenterprises (with 5 or fewer employees), restaurants (with 10 or fewer employees), and nonprofits …


Complaints Against Your Child Care Facility

During the operation of your child care business, complaints made be made to Community Care Licensing (“Licensing”) about your program. This publication is intended to provide basic information on Licensing’s investigation of complaints, how Licensing decides whether to issue a citation against your facility, and how you can appeal a citation that you do not agree with.

Spanish, Toolkit

Cuidado Infantil para Todos: Cómo Desarrollar y Renovar las Instalaciones de ECE en el Condado de Los Ángeles

Este conjunto de herramientas interactivo proporciona un proceso paso a paso y recursos para obtener aprobaciones para renovar y construir nuevas instalaciones de ECE.

Guide, Spanish

El Acta de los Americanos Incapacitados y el Cuidado Profesional De Ninos

En 1990, el Congreso aprobó el Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) que es diseñado para hacer varios tipos de servicios accesibles a las personas con discapacidades, tales como el servicio …

Guide, Spanish

El Seguro de Responsabilidad Para Cuidado Infantil

Este folleto proporciona a las empresas de cuidado infantil información sobre seguros. Comprar un seguro es un método para trasladar el riesgo de su negocio de cuidado infantil a una …

FAQs on Nonprofit and Small Business Employer Obligations With Respect To California Wildfires

These FAQs address workplace responsibilities of employers in the wake of the California wildfires, including workplace safety, employee rights, wage and hour obligations, and employee assistance

FAQs on Nonprofit and Small Business Rights with Respect to Immigration Enforcement (ICE)

As a nonprofit or small business owner, it is critical to know your rights and responsibilities if immigration enforcement officials appear at your facility, office, or workplace. These FAQ address …

Guide, Spanish

Guia para Propietarios e Inquilinos Como Provedores de Cuidado Infantil Familiar [Julio 2021]

Los propietarios e inquilinos pueden tener algunas preocupaciones con respecto al funcionamiento de un hogar de cuidado infantil familiar en una propiedad de alquiler. Esta guía proporciona información sobre los derechos de los inquilinos de proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar.


Guidelines for Releasing Children

As a child care provider, you have a legal obligation to protect and care for each child in your care. This obligation encompasses who you release a child in your care to and under what circumstances you release a child. Releasing a child to an unauthorized individual could pose legal problems for a child care provider and result in revocation of a provider’s child care license.


Immunization: Overview of issues that child care providers should be aware of

Before admitting a child into a child care program, generally a child care provider must request proof that the child has been immunized against diseases. However, there are certain exceptions to this proof of immunization requirement. Further, a new law effective September 1, 2016, added requirements for the licensee of a family child care, employees and volunteers.

Guide, Spanish


Este folleto le proporcionara informacion general de los problemas de inmunizacion que los proveedores de cuidado infantil deben tener en cuenta, ya que esta relacionado a los ninos, empleados y voluntarios.


Jury Duty for Family Child Care Providers

State law does not automatically exempt a person from jury duty by reason of occupational status. Although you may be a sole proprietor of your business, you might still be …

Guide, Spanish

La Importancia de Buenas Relaciones Comunitarias Para Tener una Guarderia Exitosa

Como alguien que cuida profesionalmente a los niños, usted no sólo es dueño de un negocio sino también un miembro importante en su comunidad. Esto significa que debería tener buenas relaciones con los padres, vecinos, caseros y los empleados responsables de aprobar la licencia que usted utiliza en su profesión. De hecho, la mayoría de los problemas legales se puede evitar si uno mantiene buenas relaciones con los demás miembros de su comunidad.


Landlord Tenant Family Childcare Provider Guide [July 2021]

Landlords and tenants may have some concerns regarding the operation of a family child care home in a rental property. This guide provides information on the rights of family child …


License Exempt Child Care

License-exempt child care is child care that can operate legally without a license. While certain child care arrangements may qualify as license-exempt child care, there are policies and procedures that a license-exempt child care provider should follow in order to ensure the successful operation of his/her child care business and avoid potential legal problems.

Guide, Spanish

Mediacion vs. Derecho Procesal

Como el dueno y operador de un negocio de cuidado infantil, es probable que un problema surja que hara que usted considere tomar accion legal. Los problemas que pueden surgir …


Mediation vs Litigation: Things for Child Care Providers to Consider Before Going to Court [2016]

Mediation is a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator facilitates a discussion of the issues at hand and helps you and the other party to potentially resolve the dispute through negotiation. Both you and the other party have an opportunity to describe the issues, discuss your interests and provide each other with information that may help to resolve the dispute.

Spanish, Template/Sample Form

Modelo de Un Contrato Para Guarderias Familiares con Provisiones de COVID [Agosto 2022]

El contrato que sigue es una muestra, no un modelo; puede contener disposiciones que no son apropiado para ciertos proveedores, y puede que no contenga otros que requiera su programa. …


Naming your Family Child Care Business

California State law requires individuals, partnerships and corporations to register a “Fictitious Business Name” (commonly known as a DBA – “doing business as”) if they operate a business and/or collect money under a name different from their legal surname(s) or corporation names.

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