
Public Counsel Celebrates Our 24th Annual National Adoption Day

This past Saturday, Public Counsel was proud to join our partners to host our 24th Annual National Adoption Day. The event is a collaborative effort with the Los Angeles Children’s Court, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Public Counsel, the Alliance for Children’s Rights, and hundreds of dedicated pro bono attorneys. This annual event, traditionally held the Saturday before Thanksgiving, celebrates the adoption finalization of children in foster care throughout LA County. This year, the coalition successfully finalized the adoption of nearly 250 children.

National Adoption Day began in the late 1990s when Judge Michael Nash (retired), former Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court in LA County and current Director of the LA County Office of Child Protection, worked with a coalition of volunteer organizations, including Public Counsel and the Alliance, to organize adoption events on Saturdays in LA County. These events led to the launch of National Adoption Day, which has since expanded to courts across the country. The Los Angeles Adoption Days continue to this day, and are typically four times throughout the year. Over 43,000 adoptions have been finalized since the inception of the Los Angeles Adoption Day program in 1997.

Public Counsel is especially proud to have helped develop an innovative model in LA County that involves a close partnership with the Court, DCFS, and legal service providers to provide holistic advocacy to families as they exit the foster care system. We know that the journey doesn’t end when adoption papers are signed; it’s just the beginning. That’s why we work closely with our partners to ensure adoptive families receive the comprehensive support they need to thrive. This care for each unique family’s needs is what makes LA’s adoption partnership special!

We are grateful for the pro bono attorneys who share their invaluable time and expertise to make our Adoption Days a resounding success. We also extend a heartfelt congratulations to all the adoptive families—your commitment and open hearts help to transform lives!

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