
New Manual Empowers Families to Advocate for Students’ Special Education Rights

Download the manual here.

All students deserve to learn and thrive at school. Unfortunately, not all students receive the supports and services they need to succeed. Although federal and state laws provide specific rights and protections for students with or suspected of having disabilities, these laws can be complex for parents to understand and navigate on their own. Additionally, systemic barriers such as structural racism, unequal language access, and unfair power dynamics often hinder parents from being the equal partners they are meant to be under the law.

Public Counsel’s Education Rights Project designed our new handbook—Special Education & Related Services: Advocating for Students with Disabilities—to help parents, caregivers, and community members who support students with disabilities advocate for and enforce their student’s special education rights. Our goal is to empower and prepare families to advocate for their students by providing them with the necessary information to identify special education needs and navigate the special education process. Key topics in this handbook include:

  • Overview of Special Education Laws
  • Special Education Evaluations (Assessments)
  • Overview of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process
  • Preparing for an IEP Meeting
  • Resolving Disputes

This handbook also includes several sample templates for reference and use in special education advocacy.

To download the handbook, click below:

To learn more about Public Counsel’s Education Rights Project, click here.

To apply for legal services related to special education and other education rights issues, click here.

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