Nonprofit Services & Capacity Building



Guide, Spanish

Guía de Autoayuda Para Presentar su Propia Apelación de Evaluación Para Propietarios con Gravámenes de PACE en el Condado de Los Ángeles

Esta guía es para personas que desean solicitar la cancelación y el reembolso de los gravámenes PACE en hogares ubicados en el condado de Los Ángeles. Se adjunta una copia …

Guide, Spanish

Guía de Autoayuda: Presentar Quejas ante la Directiva Estatal de Licencias Para Contratistas de California

Esta guía es para las personas que desean presentar una queja ante la Directiva Estatal de Licencias del Contratistas (“CSLB”), con respecto a un contratista con licencia CSLB o empleado …

Guide, Spanish

Guia para Propietarios e Inquilinos Como Provedores de Cuidado Infantil Familiar [Julio 2021]

Los propietarios e inquilinos pueden tener algunas preocupaciones con respecto al funcionamiento de un hogar de cuidado infantil familiar en una propiedad de alquiler. Esta guía proporciona información sobre los derechos de los inquilinos de proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar.

Guide, Spanish

Guía Sobre Leyes de Vendedores Ambulantes (2023)

Esta guía analiza las leyes estatales recientes de venta y los permisos locales necesarios para vender.


Guidance on New Statewide Laws for Street Vendors (2023)

This guide discusses recent state vending laws and local permits needed to vend.


Guide For Reinstatement of Good Standing With Corporate and Tax Regulatory Agencies For California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporations

This publication provides an overview of how to bring a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code into compliance with the California Secretary of State, California Attorney General, California Franchise Tax Board, and Internal Revenue Service.


Guide to Commercial Leases

Our Guide to Commercial Leases provides a general introduction to the typical provisions found in a commercial lease and discusses key issues that nonprofits and small businesses should consider before entering into a lease. This Guide will be useful to organizations considering a proposed lease as well as those who want to better understand the terms of a current lease.


Guide to Forming A Charitable, Tax-Exempt, Nonprofit Organization

This guide provides a basic overview of the process, and a discussion of some of the issues to consider in determining whether to form a nonprofit tax-exempt organization.


Guidelines for Releasing Children

As a child care provider, you have a legal obligation to protect and care for each child in your care. This obligation encompasses who you release a child in your care to and under what circumstances you release a child. Releasing a child to an unauthorized individual could pose legal problems for a child care provider and result in revocation of a provider’s child care license.


Housing Assistance Benefits

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tristique cursus gravida. Proin vel feugiat lectus. Mauris id aliquam est, nec dapibus est.


How Maturing Subsidized Mortgages Threaten Affordable Housing in Los Angeles [2012]

Much of LA’s affordable housing risks being lost in the next few years due to the maturity of subsidized mortgages. This report describes what’s at risk and what responses are …


How to Prepare a Federal Case

This guide will walk you through the necessary elements of a lawsuit so that you can decide whether or not you should file one.


Immunization: Overview of issues that child care providers should be aware of

Before admitting a child into a child care program, generally a child care provider must request proof that the child has been immunized against diseases. However, there are certain exceptions to this proof of immunization requirement. Further, a new law effective September 1, 2016, added requirements for the licensee of a family child care, employees and volunteers.

Guide, Spanish


Este folleto le proporcionara informacion general de los problemas de inmunizacion que los proveedores de cuidado infantil deben tener en cuenta, ya que esta relacionado a los ninos, empleados y voluntarios.

FAQs, Guide

Intellectual Property Licensing Basics for Nonprofits [2016]

In pursuit of achieving their mission and conducting charitable activities, nonprofit organizations often develop advertising and marketing literature, design logos, names and programs, and create products or written works. All of these things constitute intellectual property. If intellectual property is not managed well, a nonprofit organization may dilute or damage its rights to its own intellectual property and possibly infringe on the rights of others.


Jury Duty for Family Child Care Providers

State law does not automatically exempt a person from jury duty by reason of occupational status. Although you may be a sole proprietor of your business, you might still be …


LA County Benefits Basics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tristique cursus gravida. Proin vel feugiat lectus. Mauris id aliquam est, nec dapibus est.

Guide, Spanish

La Importancia de Buenas Relaciones Comunitarias Para Tener una Guarderia Exitosa

Como alguien que cuida profesionalmente a los niños, usted no sólo es dueño de un negocio sino también un miembro importante en su comunidad. Esto significa que debería tener buenas relaciones con los padres, vecinos, caseros y los empleados responsables de aprobar la licencia que usted utiliza en su profesión. De hecho, la mayoría de los problemas legales se puede evitar si uno mantiene buenas relaciones con los demás miembros de su comunidad.


Landlord Tenant Family Childcare Provider Guide [July 2021]

Landlords and tenants may have some concerns regarding the operation of a family child care home in a rental property. This guide provides information on the rights of family child …


Lease Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of lease modifications is explored through a series of questions that address many of the common experiences and concerns of organizations leasing commercial real …


Legislative Alert — SB 972

SB 972 is a California law that makes it easier for sidewalk vendors who sell food to obtain health permits by making changes to the California Retail Food Code. This …


License Exempt Child Care

License-exempt child care is child care that can operate legally without a license. While certain child care arrangements may qualify as license-exempt child care, there are policies and procedures that a license-exempt child care provider should follow in order to ensure the successful operation of his/her child care business and avoid potential legal problems.


List of Initial Filing Fees for Setting Up a California Tax-Exempt Corporation [2022]

This guide lists the initial fees to set up a tax-exempt corporation in California.

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