Education Advocacy
Education Advocacy

The Education team is part of Public Counsel’s Children’s Rights Project and provides education advocacy for students and their families on a broad range of issues. It prioritizes the representation of the most marginalized students, including students of color, English Learners, students with disabilities who are denied appropriate access to Special Education services, students who are being pushed out of comprehensive schools, and students who are involved in the dependency or delinquency court systems. The team draws from its direct service work to create community partnerships and legislative and policy change to create a model for education reform across California.
The team’s policy goals include:
1) Advocate for effective, research-based reforms to end the school-to-prison pipeline
2) Improve school climate and family and community engagement and increase the emphasis on prevention, community- and school-based interventions, and recovery
3) Reform education conditions for youth who are incarcerated and those exiting the delinquency court system.