
Help Public Counsel—Your Vote Can Make an Impact!

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news with our community. Public Counsel is honored to be a CREDO Mobile featured nonprofit for January, and we need your help!

Each month, CREDO Mobile invites the public to decide how its donations are proportionately shared among progressive causes. Your support is vital – this is a unique opportunity where your vote can have a real impact.

Here’s how you can cast your vote:

  1. Visit CREDO’s voting page here.
  2. Select Public Counsel from the list of nonprofits.
  3. Submit your vote to support our mission.

Your vote can significantly increase our share of CREDO’s donation, directly enhancing our efforts to advance civil rights and advocate for racial and economic justice. This is your chance to make a meaningful difference with just a couple of clicks.

Thank you for your continuous support and for standing with us in our pursuit of justice! Every vote counts, and together, we can achieve incredible things.

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