Mediacion vs. Derecho Procesal

Como el dueno y operador de un negocio de cuidado infantil, es probable que un problema surja que hara que usted considere tomar accion legal. Los problemas que pueden surgir …

Nota Para Preparadores de Impuestos que Asisten a Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil

Al ayudar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar, los preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos deben tener en cuenta que hay reglas especiales 1) para el uso del negocio de la casa; y 2) en relacion con los gastos de alimentacion. Esta publicacion esta destinada a proporcionar informacion general a preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos sobre las cuestiones fiscales que afectan los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar.


Este folleto le proporcionara informacion general de los problemas de inmunizacion que los proveedores de cuidado infantil deben tener en cuenta, ya que esta relacionado a los ninos, empleados y voluntarios.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Family Child Care Businesses

Workers’ Compensation is a set of laws which entitles employees to receive prompt, effective medical treatment for on-the-job injuries and prevents them from suing their employers over those injuries. As a child care provider, you are required by law to obtain workers’ compensation coverage for your employees.

Mediation vs Litigation: Things for Child Care Providers to Consider Before Going to Court [2016]

Mediation is a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator facilitates a discussion of the issues at hand and helps you and the other party to potentially resolve the dispute through negotiation. Both you and the other party have an opportunity to describe the issues, discuss your interests and provide each other with information that may help to resolve the dispute.

What You Need to Know About Small Claims Court

In the operation of your child care business, you may encounter problems which force you to go to court. These problems may range from a parent who is not paying you for child care services to a landlord that fails to make necessary repairs in the apartment you are renting.

Sample Parent-Provider Contract for Subsidized Care

The contract that follows is a sample, not a model; it may contain provisions that are not appropriate for certain providers, and it may not contain others that your program requires. You should modify it and/or adapt it for your own use after a review of your specific program and methods of operation. When you settle on the version that seems best for you, you should ask a lawyer to review your contract before using it with any parents.