
Foreclosure Prevention Legal Clinic

Public Counsel’s Foreclosure Prevention Clinic assists low-income homeowners in Los Angeles County who are behind on their mortgage or at risk of foreclosure. At the clinics, homeowners can meet with housing counselors and/or legal services attorneys to help navigate their options to avoid foreclosure.

We provide help with:

  • Foreclosure prevention services
  • Reverse mortgage issues
  • Loan modification services
  • Servicer violations
  • PACE liens
  • Title and equity-stripping scams

Clinics are held via Zoom every second and third Tuesday of the month from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

To apply to see if you are eligible for a free clinic appointment with a housing counselor or legal services attorney:

Online Intake

Or, call our phone intake line: (213) 385-2977 ext. 306

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