
Bankruptcy Resources


Canceling a Reaffirmation Agreement

A reaffirmation agreement is a new contract between you and the creditor where you agree to pay a debt voluntarily that would have been discharged in your bankruptcy case. However, you have a limited amount of time in which you can cancel the agreement.


Chapter 7 Post-Filing Checklist

What you need to do after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.


Checklist for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

What you need to gather and prepare before filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

External Resource

Downloadable Bankruptcy Forms (link directs you to Bankruptcy Court’s website)

Download and fill out the forms necessary to file a bankruptcy in the Central District …

External Resource

Bankruptcy Filing – Fee Waiver Application and Instructions

This is the actual application for a fee waiver from the court. The instructions will …

External Resource

Free or Low-Cost Bankruptcy Help

A listing of various agencies and services throughout Southern California that offer free and low-cost …


Free Credit Report

Instructions for how to get a free credit report from all three credit reporting agencies, …


Meeting of Creditors (Chapter 7)

In each Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, you will have a meeting with the Chapter 7 …

Template/Sample Form

No Contact Letter Packet ENGLISH

If you are “collection-proof,” meaning that you have no assets that debt collectors can obtain …


Reaffirmation Hearing Informational Packet

A reaffirmation agreement is where you agree to pay a debt even though you could …

External Resource

Tax Transcript (link directs to IRS website)

When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may need to provide your recent Federal …

Guide, Spanish, Template/Sample Form

Paquete de Carta de “No Contacto” – En Español

Si usted es ‘a prueba de cobros’, lo que significa que no tiene bienes que …

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