Affordable & Supportive Housing


Public Counsel supported community groups in Inglewood, California to pressure city leaders to pass a rent stabilization ordinance in 2019.

To combat the affordable housing and homelessness crisis in Los Angeles, Public Counsel’s Community Development Project works with nonprofit developers, tenants, and community groups to promote the development and preservation of affordable and supportive housing. Safe, accessible, and affordable housing is critical to the economic and social wellbeing of vibrant communities. But the shortage of affordable housing throughout Los Angeles significantly and disproportionately affects low-income communities and communities of color – which prevents families not only from meeting their basic needs, but also increases their risk of becoming displaced as existing affordable and rent-stabilized housing gets converted or demolished.  

Through capacity building, policy, education, and litigation, we advocate for policies at the local and state level that encourage the development and preservation of affordable and supportive housing. We also monitor and enforce these state and local laws. Our attorneys have many years of experience advancing land use, affordable housing (including housing element, redevelopment and state density bonus laws) and fair housing laws to achieve the development and preservation of affordable and supportive housing and protection of tenants, as well as educating and providing technical assistance to local jurisdictions to help them achieve these goals.

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