
Las familias fuertes y apoyadas dan a los niños y jóvenes la seguridad que necesitan para crecer y prosperar. Cuando invertimos en nuestras familias y en nuestros hijos, capacitamos a los niños y a los jóvenes para que se curen, crezcan, prosperen y se conviertan en los futuros líderes de nuestras comunidades y organizaciones.

Founded in 1986, the Child Youth & Family Advocacy Project is one of the largest projects at Public Counsel. Our staff of over 20 attorneys, social workers, and advocates represent clients in the areas of adoptions, benefits, probate guardianships, and education. We help families navigate contact with child protective services so that they can avoid separation, and we work with system-impacted youth on a variety of legal issues that create barriers to stability. We engage in local, state, and national policy work in the areas of child welfare, public benefits, and criminalization in schools. We seek to ensure that all of our work is client-centered, trauma-informed, and resiliency-focused with an understanding that our clients and their communities interact daily with the structural racism embedded in our child welfare, public benefits, education, and justice systems.


Atendemos a niños, jóvenes, familias y cuidadores que no pueden acceder a los servicios legales debido a las barreras económicas, o como parte de una iniciativa para reforzar el acceso al apoyo legal para todos los residentes del Condado de Los Ángeles.

To get help with an issue impacting children, youth, and families, visit our services page:

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