Equidad y oportunidad en la educación

Nuestro enfoque

Servicios directos

  • Public Counsel’s Audrey Irmas Gender Justice Project provides free legal advice and representation in Title IX matters to student survivors of sexual harassment/assault, and to student parents experiencing discrimination as a result of pregnancy or caregiving responsibilities.  

Contratación pro bono

  • Public Counsel se ha asociado con Equal Rights Advocates en un esfuerzo por ampliar el acceso a los servicios legales gratuitos a los estudiantes supervivientes de agresiones sexuales en el sur de California. La red pro bono ENOUGH de ERA coloca los casos de asalto sexual del Título IX con abogados de esta red. Los servicios legales van desde servicios breves (redacción de cartas, asesoramiento y consejo) hasta la representación de los clientes durante todo el proceso de denuncia y audiencia. Equal Rights Advocates proporciona formación y asistencia técnica continua. Para obtener información sobre cómo unirse a la red, haga clic aquí. 

Alianza para las niñas

  • Public Counsel is working with six other founding member organizations to establish a local Los Angeles Chapter of Alliance for Girls.  Guided by the core values of Community, Empowerment, Impact, and Self-Care, this initiative will harness the collective power of girl-serving organizations and advocates in Los Angeles to amplify girls’ voices and partner with school districts to better meet the needs of girls. Strategies include participatory research with middle school and high school girls, review of school and district policies, advocacy, professional development and technical assistance. We also partnered with AFG to implement the #WhenGirlsThrive Covid-19 Response Initiative, a research and advocacy effort to fill the data gap on the needs of girls during Covid-19.

Defensa de los derechos

  • Public Counsel’s Audrey Irmas Gender Justice Project advocates at state and federal level for laws advancing equity and opportunity for young women and girls. We joined with organizations across the country to speak out against dangerous roll-backs to Title IX protections, and joined Equal Rights Advocates and others to advocate for SB 493 which strengthens the rights of California students in sexual assault proceedings. 

Conozca sus derechos

  • The first step in empowering students to stand up to harassment and discrimination is to make them aware of their rights and options. Public Counsel’s Audrey Irmas Gender Justice Project provides information on students’ rights to equal education under state and federal law, and is also available to train students, parents, educators, and youth organizations on sexual harassment and Title IX. 
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