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Consumer Rights & Economic Justice

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Consumer Rights, Economic Justice

Steph Carroll

Directing Attorney – Consumer Rights and Economic Justice

Steph Carroll is the Directing Attorney of Public Counsel’s Consumer Rights and Economic Justice project. She has litigated individual and class consumer matters in state and federal court in California since 2011. Her civil litigation practice has encompassed predatory lending, wrongful foreclosure, quiet title, elder abuse, hospital dumping, procedural due process, criminal justice debt and anti-trust cases.

Steph oversees the provision of direct consumer and bankruptcy legal services to hundreds of clients each year in matters including debt collection, student loans, auto financing, foreclosure prevention and access to credit. Her team has also provided direct services and litigation assistance to hundreds of clients with Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing matters, and Steph has become a leading advocate on related policy issues in California and has led PACE trainings at the national level.

Steph is a founding member of the California Low Income Consumer Coalition and has worked extensively on legislative campaigns to rein in mortgage servicing abuses, debt buyer bad practices, and regulate predatory lending. She also convenes the Southern California Advocates for Consumer Justice Group which fosters collaboration among its legal service provider members and provides consumer law training.  Steph is a long-time board member of the California Reinvestment Coalition, an organization focused on building an inclusive and fair economy that meets the needs of communities of color and low-income communities by ensuring that banks and other corporations invest and conduct business in our communities in a just and equitable manner.

Prior to moving to the United States in 2008, Steph was a barrister in London. Before that, Steph had a career in international development for many years and worked in various counties including Kenya, Tanzania, Kosovo, Slovakia and Pakistan. She also has a Masters in Public Policy from The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.

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