

Our Guardianship team runs a pro per guardianship clinic at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in downtown Los Angeles, helping unrepresented litigants prepare pleadings in probate guardianship matters. Our clinic is the primary probate self-help resource for pro per litigants in Los Angeles County, completing over 3,000 services a year.

We also engage in policy advocacy to ensure that families are not being inappropriately diverted to probate court after interactions with the child welfare system, and provide representation in a limited number of cases to parents facing a terminal illness and children who may qualify for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status visas.

Need help with a guardianship matter?


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Our Publications


Guardianship of the Person – Attorney Manual

Step-by-step guide for practitioners on how to obtain a guardianship and Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings (SIJ findings) from the probate division of the California Superior Court. Some practitioners will use this manual to seek both a guardianship and SIJ findings from the court, while others will seek guardianship alone for those clients who do not need or are not eligible for SIJ findings.


Guardianship of the Person – Appendices

Appendices for Guardianship of the Person – Attorney Manual.

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