Why Your Nonprofit Might Need Legal Assistance

This document lists some reasons why your nonprofit might need legal assistance and some examples of the types of legal assistance provided by Public Counsel’s Community Development Project.

Trademark Basics for Nonprofits [2015]

This guide contains a collection of frequently asked trademark questions and answers, divided into the following categories: Trademark Definitions, How to Establish a Trademark, Proper Use of a Trademark, and …

Risk Management & Insurance Guide for Nonprofits [2013]

This guide provides a basic overview of the risk management process. Using a case study as an example, the guide explains the three fundamental steps that every organization should take in order to create a risk management plan: assess the nonprofit’s risks; mitigate those risks to the greatest extent practicable; and obtain insurance to help pay the costs in the event a loss occurs.

Mutual Directorships [2004]

This alert highlights some issues a director of multiple nonprofit organizations may encounter when presented with a business opportunity that creates a potential conflict of loyalties.

Mediation vs Litigation: Things to Consider Before Going to Court [2016]

This document defines mediation as a private process where a neutral third person called a mediator facilitates a discussion of the issues at hand and helps you and the other party to potentially resolve the dispute through negotiation; describes several advantages of the process, and provides a list of some local organizations that may be helpful.

Loan Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of loan modification options is explored through a series of questions addressing many common concerns of nonprofit organizations that are struggling to manage outstanding …

Lease Modifications [2009]

In this information sheet, the topic of lease modifications is explored through a series of questions that address many of the common experiences and concerns of organizations leasing commercial real …

Copyrights & Trademarks [2015]

This guide contains an overview of federal trademark and copyright laws. It covers the following information: What is a Trademark, Trademark Laws, Choosing a Trademark, Acquiring and Protecting Trademark Rights, and Copyrights.